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The Math of Mattering
& The Science of Being Seen

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  1. The US Surgeon General named Mattering at Work as the fourth Essential in his Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well‑Being, noting: “People want to know that they matter to those around them and that their work matters. Knowing you matter has been shown to lower stress, while feeling like you do not can raise the risk for depression. This Essential rests on the human needs of dignity and meaning.”

  2. When we feel we matter—when we know that we're significant to others—we feel seen, important, and needed. A sense of belonging—what trade associations and workplaces have the potential to deliver in SPADES—increases the chance we experience mattering and vice versa.

  3. In a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, researchers who surveyed nearly 1,800 FT employees concluded that, “When employees feel like they matter to their organization, they are more satisfied with their jobs and life, more likely to occupy leadership positions, more likely to be rewarded and promoted and less likely to quit.”

  4. Studies on the vagus nerve support show that when we feel seen and heard by important people, we feel calmer and safer. Yet being ignored or dismissed can cause depression and distress.

  5. In workplaces, data show that close to 30% of workers feel invisible at work, 27% feel ignored, and almost half feel undervalued.

  6. Author of The Psychology of Mattering, Gordon Flett coined the term “anti-mattering,” which he defines as feeling insignificant, unheard, and invisible to others—the inverse of mattering. And a strong predictor of anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and substance abuse. In this words: “When you feel like you matter, you are secure in the knowledge that you have strong, meaningful connections to others and that you are not going through this life alone.”

With sincere thanks to Dr. Zach Mercurio for aggregating many of these important studies.

© 2024 Andrea Driessen.
All rights reserved.

Photo Credits: TEDxSeattle & headshot by Gudmundur Ibsen

“Love” by Theo Crazzolara on Flickr creative commons license

Magic markers copyright jorge riviera reyes on Flickr creative commons license

Pen on paper by Jonathan Reyes on Flickr creative commons license

“Dear Matt” letter copyright bell and jeff on Flickr creative commons license

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